Socio-Ecological Vulnerability Assessment and the Resulting in Spatial Pattern: A Case Study of Semarang City
socio-ecological system, spatial pattern, vulnerability assessment
The aim of this paper is to examine the socio-ecological vulnerability and the resulting in spatial pattern on a city scale. The assessment methods for vulnerability-resilience in the social and ecological have been broadly examined, such as the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) and disaster risk assessment by the BNPB (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Nasional). However, in some cases, these methods are suitable only in disastrous vulnerability and on a larger scale. The assessment method of socio-ecological systems in this paper has been modified to a city-scale and per the data availability. By using spatial data, this paper analyses the connection between vulnerability-resilience of socio-ecological systems and land coverage pattern. Based on the case study, the finding shows that almost 28% of Semarang city areas are socio-ecologically vulnerable. Mostof the land use of the vulnerable areas is currently used for urban built-up area and agriculture. For future research, this method can be used for vulnerability assessment of the socio-ecological system in other cities and as a consideration for decision making in spatial planning.Downloads
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Muttarak, R & Lutz, W 2017, Is education a key to reducing vulnerability to natural disasters and hence unavoidable climate change? WU Institutional Repository, October.
Ostrom, E 2009, A general framework for analyzing sustainability of social-ecological systems. Special Section Sciencemag.Org 325, 323(January), pp. 85–89,
Pratt, Kaly, & Mitchell 2004, Manual: How to Use the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI). 60, Manual.pdf.
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UNEP 2003, Assessing Human Vulnerability to Environmental Change.
Zou, T & Yoshino K 2017, Environmental vulnerability evaluation using a spatial principal components approach in the Daxing’anling region, China. Ecological Indicators, 78, pp. 405–415.
How to Cite
Faniza, V., & Pradoto, W. (2021). Socio-Ecological Vulnerability Assessment and the Resulting in Spatial Pattern: A Case Study of Semarang City. BHUMI: Jurnal Agraria Dan Pertanahan, 5(3).