One important componentin the3Dcadastral system isthe definition of height component. The height of a cadastral
objectis the height above a certain height reference field. Based on theconceptandits use, there aremany height reference fields.
Each reference field will have a certain effect on the type of height system and on the corresponding precision. The
absoluteheightisdefinedin reference to thenationalheight reference, which provides certaintyandclear
geometricandtopologicalrelationsfor3Dcadastralobjects. However, the ideal nationalheight reference field,in this case precise
geoidmodels has not been definedfor thewhole of Indonesia.An alternativesolution to the problem uses a definition ofa
localgeoidmodel or the use ofa high-resolutionglobalgeoidmodel, the EGM2008. In the implementation, the precision level of
the available geoid model and the required precision level of cadastral objects height become the basis for the selection of a
geoid model. The use ofthe geoid modelasthe height reference has also an impact on theoptimalization/development of the
application of BPNCORSstationsthatcan beusedas ahorizontal as well as a verticalreferencepointin3Dcadastralmapping.
Keywords: 3D cadastre, cadastral mapping, geoid.
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