The Policy Challenge of Private Land Management for Conservation of Yellow-Crested Cockatoo and its Habitat in Masakambing Island, Indonesia
Conservation Easement, Cockatoo, Masakambing Island
Yellow-crested small cockatoo (Cacatoasulphureaabbotti) is an endangered species lives in residential area with private ownership in Masakambing Island, Sumenep Regency, East Java, Indonesia. Recently, the population of the bird only remains between 22-25 birds. Their habitat requires 3 important trees to support their living: nesting trees, sleeping trees and feeding trees. However, conservation efforts are not easy as they share space for living with human. Besides that, in a small island, land is scarce and available resources are limited. Therefore, its conservation effort needs community involvement. Generally, sharing access to the land resources are intended to social and economic aspects. The study was aimed at findingout the distribution of important treesas habitat for yellow-crested cockatoo and propose land management policy in supporting its conservation activities in Masakambing. The analysis uses qualitative method with interactive model. The results showed that 90% of the bird’s habitat was in a residential area with private ownership. The Private Land Conservation policy with conservation easement approach can be implemented to conserve yellow-crested cockatoo in Masakambing. Unfortunately, the Private land Conservation Policy and conservation easement approach hasnot been regulated clearly.Downloads
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Zegeye, H 2016, ‘In situ and ex situ conservation: complementary approaches for maintaining biodiversity’, International Journal of Research in Environmental Studies, 4, pp. 1-12
Bennett, NJ, Roth, R, Klain, SC, Chan, K, Christie, PC, Douglas, A, Cullman, G, Curran, D, Durbini, TJ, Epstein, G, Greenberg, A, Nelson , MP, Sandlos, J, Stedman, R, Teel, TL, Thomas, R, Veríssimo, D and Wyborn, C 2017, ‘Conservation social science: understanding and integrating human dimensions to improve conservation’, biological conservation 205, 93–108
Bingham, H, Fitzsimons, JA, Redford, KH, Mitchel, BA,Bezaury-Creel, J and Cumming, TL 2017, ‘Privately protected areas: advances and challenges in guidance, policy and documentation’, Parks, vol 23.1
Calado, H, Fonseca, C, Vergílio, M, Costa, A, Moniz, F, Gil, A, Dias, JA 2014, ‘Small islands conservation and protected areas’, Journal of integrated coastal zone management14(2), pp. 167-174
Capano, GC, Toivonen, TSA and Di Minin, E 2019, ‘The emergence of private land conservation in scienti?c literature: a review’, biological conservation 237, pp. 191–199
Castelletta, M, Thiollay, J-M and Sodhi, NS 2005, The effects of extreme forest fragmentation on the bird community of singapore island, Biological conservation 121, pp. 135–155
Cheever, F, 1996, Public good and private magic in the law of land trusts and conservation easements: a happy present and a troubled future, 73 denv. u. l. rev. 1077
Daniels, GD, and Kirkpatrick, JB 2006, ‘Does variation in garden characteristics influencenthe conservation of birds in suburbia?’Bilogical Conservation 133, 326-335
Gary, D, Mougey, K, McIntyre, NE, Grif?s-Kyle, KL 2019, ‘Identi?cation of hotspots of at-risk terrestrial vertebrate species in the south-central Great Plains of North America: A tool to inform and address regional-scale conservation’, Journal for Nature Conservation (2019),
Gustanski, JA and Squires, RH 2000, Protecting the land: conservation easements past, present and future. Island Press, Washington DC
Joseph, MK, Tosha, C, Terra, G, Elizabeth, G, Christine, H, Richard, H, Peter, K, Lynn, L, Patrick, N, Adena, R, M Rebecca, S and Mark, Z2007, ‘Conservation easements in context: a quantitative analysis of their use by the nature conservancy’,Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5(3), pp. 125-130
Khoury, CK, Amariles, D, Soto, JS, Diaz, MV, Sotelo, S, Sosa, CC, Ramírez-Villegas, J, Achicanoy, HA, Castañeda-Álvarez, NP, León, L. and Wiersema, JH 2019, ‘Data for the calculation of an indicator of the comprehensiveness of conservation of useful wild plants’, Data in Brief 22, pp. 90–97
Khoury, CK, Sotelo, S, Amariles, D, Soto, JS, Diaz, M,V. Velásquez-Tibatá, J, Sosa, CC, Ramírez-Villegas, J, Achicanoy, HA, Castañeda-Álvarez, NP, Guarino, L, León, B, Navarro-Racines, C, Dempewolf, H, Wiersema, JH And Jarvis, A 2019b, ‘Comprehensiveness of conservation of useful wild plants: an operational indicator for biodiversity and sustainable development targets’,Ecological Indicators 98, pp. 420–429
Kiley-Worthington, M 1981, ‘Ecological agriculture. what it is and how it works’, Agriculture and Environment, 6, pp. 349-381
Manning, AD, Lindenmayer, DB, and Barry, S, C 2004, ‘The conservation implications of bird reproduction in the agricultural ‘‘matrix’’: a case study of the vulnerable superb parrot of south-eastern australia’, Biological Conservation 120, pp. 363–374
Marenlender, AM, Huntsinger, L, Guthey, G and Fairfax, S, K 2004, ‘Land trust and conservation easement: who is conserving what for whom?’Conservation Biology 18(1) February 2004
Nurse, LA, G, Sem, J, Hay, A, Suarez, PP, Wong, L, Briguglio and S. Ragoonaden 2001, ‘Small island states’,Climate change, pp. 843-875
Odum, EP 1971, Fundamentals of ecology. The University of California. California
Reed, MS 2008, ‘Stakeholder participation for environmental management: a literature review’, Bilogical Conservation 141, pp. 2417-2431
Saunders, D A 1994, ‘Can we integrate nature conservation with agricultural production?’,Landscape and Urban Planning, 28, pp 63-7 1
Sekerciog?lu, ÇH 2012,‘Promoting community-based bird monitoring in the tropics: conservation, research, environmental education, capacity-building, and local incomes’, Biological Conservation 151, pp. 69–73
Smith, PJ, Presesey, RL, and Smith, JE 1994, ‘Birds of particular conservation concern in the western division of new south wales’, Biological Conservation 69, pp. 315-338
Sodhi, NS, Butler, R, Laurance, WF, and Gibson, L 2011. ‘Conservation successes at micro, meso- and macroscales’, Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26(11), pp. 585-594
Thaman, B, Icely, JD, Fragoso, BDD, and Veitayak, J 2016, ‘A comparison of rural community perceptions and involvement in conservation between the fiji islands and southwestern portugal’, Ocean & Coastal Management 133, pp. 43-52
Zegeye, H 2016, ‘In situ and ex situ conservation: complementary approaches for maintaining biodiversity’, International Journal of Research in Environmental Studies, 4, pp. 1-12
How to Cite
Ihsanuddin, I., Hidayat, K., Sukesi, K., Yuliati, Y., & Pinuji, S. (2021). The Policy Challenge of Private Land Management for Conservation of Yellow-Crested Cockatoo and its Habitat in Masakambing Island, Indonesia. BHUMI: Jurnal Agraria Dan Pertanahan, 5(3).